Jeff Surak – All Gold + review

I know Jeff for a long time. If someone would achieve to write the Great American Novel it would produce invisible sounds, sounds Jeff is able to produce, don’t ask me how. It evokes the dream behind the horizon, the eternal song that hangs over a city, the silence at the other side of the window, the scratching of a pen. His music holds the quality of defining an era. Yes I am a fan.

On this cassette are nine tracks to convince you that you are a fan as well. It has a total running time of 40 minutes. The magnetic tape is of chrome quality. The dubbing was done by me with a Marantz PMD 430.

There is only one copy left from the first edition, which I, now, consider a work of art. You can purchase it for € 120,- + shipping costs.

The second edition of eight copies is available for 6.50€ + shipping costs.

Scroll down for pictures of the 2nd edition.

Scroll further down for the reviews.

Contact me at staaltape at


This is the White Striped Side



This is the Black Striped Side



These are the wraps of the tape.



This is the second collage for the inner pages of the booklet.

I don’t have a picture of the first one because it sold immediately.



This is the third collage.



This is the fourth collage



This is the package for the tape that got sold.


Pictures of the second edition




Ed Pinsent writes in The Sound Projector

“mysterious, understated, ambiguous. And beautiful.”

FdW writes in Vital Weekly

“A great release! Certainly that deserves to be out there more than a handful beautiful copies; it would be even great if there was a possibility to download this!”

There won’t be a possibility to download this, except for these excerpts.

Contact: staaltape at